Monday, May 21

David Hicks home at last, but let's not stop campaigning

A friend of my workmate Ant, Katie Wood works for Amnesty International. She's written a brilliant op ed for the ABC on what it means now that David Hicks has been returned to Australia.
Sadly it's not yet time to pull down my "Bring David Hicks Home" sign. Instead I need to change it to "Give Hicks The Justice He Deserves". Couldn't have said it better myself Katie...
clipped from

Protecting our human security and protecting human rights are inherently linked. We live in a time where governments are using fear as a political tool – fear of the hordes of asylum seekers, fear of those who are different, fear of the other. The threat of terrorism is real and must be addressed by governments, but, the world does not become a safer place when human rights – such as freedom from torture – are no longer sacrosanct, and when the right to a fair trial can be compromised in the name of security.

For five years David Hicks was denied his basic human rights. The majority of Australians were horrified that it had taken this long for him to receive a "fair go". The Australian Government was indifferent.

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