Tuesday, July 27

Fetchme fishing for porn viewers

According to ZDNet Australia's Angus Kisman, Telstra's online campaign to promote its fetchmemovies.com.au DVD rental site has unexpectedly led it into the murky waters of porn advertising!

Seems the marketing folks at Fetchmemovies paid another firm to input all the title names of all the DVDs they have in stock into the search engine paid search advertising programs. So that, for instance, if you search for "Sex: The Annabel Chong Story" (a documentary about a porn star) you get a link to that movie on Fetchmemovies. Unfortunately, you can also just search on "Sex" and you'll also get the link to Fetchmemovies every once in a while.

It can be pretty tricky doing a good job of marketing tens of thousands of DVDs - I can say this from experience working at www.homescreen.com.au but this is something Fetch's marketing agency should really have filtered out, given the sensitivity of Telstra to porn-related issues.

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