Tuesday, June 21

Mini Club drive to Mt Seaview

Originally uploaded by bigyahu.

Had *such* a great time with the NSW Mini Club this past weekend, driving with 11-12 other Mini Cooper Ses to Walcha and back via Thunderbolts Way and the Oxley Highway, a good 500km or so.

Driving along with a line of chubby little Mini bumpers in front of you and a line of cheeky smiling Mini headlamps behind you was a blast. We got such a warm reaction from all the other cars, bikes and bystanders we passed, it was like being royalty for a weekend.

Surprisingly Mel was the only woman who drove much the whole weekend, even though most cars were owned by couples. She distinguished herself by keeping up with the fastest drivers in the twisty bits, and by equalling my own top speed (fast enough to lose our licences and then some!) on a long straight with plenty of visibility.

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