Lord only knows, pretension is hardly a new attitude in the music industry, but when I read that Radiohead were not selling their latest album on iTunes Store, I had to chuckle at the assbackwardness of it all.
If I were their record label, I'd be down on my knees begging them to recant. If I were Apple's iTunes A&R, I'd be wondering if it was something I'd said to piss them off.
After all, I assume Radiohead will be OK with radio stations not playing the entire album in one go, and I assume they haven't produced a music video for MTV encompassing all the tracks on the album. Yet somehow, the only medium in which the album must be consumed in its entirety is the one where there's any significant revenue to be earned.
Millions of potential buyers will instead lift a copy of the album from a friend's CD or from a free file sharing network.
Will the next Radiohead album come with a waiver that must be OK'd stating that the purchaser agrees that 'Radiohead is bigger than Jesus" before downloading?
If I were their record label, I'd be down on my knees begging them to recant. If I were Apple's iTunes A&R, I'd be wondering if it was something I'd said to piss them off.
After all, I assume Radiohead will be OK with radio stations not playing the entire album in one go, and I assume they haven't produced a music video for MTV encompassing all the tracks on the album. Yet somehow, the only medium in which the album must be consumed in its entirety is the one where there's any significant revenue to be earned.
Millions of potential buyers will instead lift a copy of the album from a friend's CD or from a free file sharing network.
Will the next Radiohead album come with a waiver that must be OK'd stating that the purchaser agrees that 'Radiohead is bigger than Jesus" before downloading?
Radiohead ditches iTunes to keep album complete